Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Are we always going to be misunderstood?

We all have our own view on things. People at times have problems admitting when they are wrong, in my circle. We all think we know it all. Now there is a problem with some of my friends that they are repeating my mistakes, almost action for action, i understand some cant get things till they do it themselves but come on, there are certain things that you have to get in life and i think that taking advice should be one of them. i know my last post said that drama queens are on there own, this is just my opinion for everyone, not just the drama queens, EVERYONE needs some form of critisizm or help at some point.

People tell me that i dont make any sense at times, i get that, i do but i think the fact that they are blinded by SOMETHING that isnt allowing them to hear what im telling them.

This is now the point im going to walk away, Friend, or not im walking away.

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