Honestly who could hate his music? He was on the pop scene for so many years as one of the top people, he was who started an era of music and created a venue that hadnt been explored before. He brought amazing dance moves, some awesome songs that stay stuck in your head for weeks, and not only that he was the true King of Pop
No one can take the title away from Michal Jackson. If not for him we would have never had boy bands and while for some that isnt a bad thing, it made my childhood. I was raised by parents that loved his music, and while i love his music as well, I fell in love with Nsync. They were the people that truly were mini-michaels, they based their syncronized movements on videos like Thriller and Smooth Criminal.
MTV while crap now, they were all great when they were actually MUSIC TELE-VISION, When people gathered around the TV to watch the world premiere of Michael Jacksons newest video.
One thing that upsets me the most is that people will not separate the bad habits, with the true artistry that he possessed. I believe now that he is gone, he needs to go down in history as a person that started a generation, not only the generation, but he has left music that will stay in the hearts of everyone.
Talking to the people that grew up with him, they remember the roller skating and listening to him as well as moon walking in skates. He left fond memories in many hearts.
To me, I will always separate the music from the habits.
R.I.P. Michael Jackson 1958-2009